Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week 4

Now the fun begins!!  
The puppies are growing by leaps and bounds and starting to show their personalities.

A trip outside to the backyard was a lot of fun!
"Red Rover, Red Rover, send Cuda right over"

'Vette is ready to conquer the world!

Tory has a face anyone can love.

"Look At Me!"

"Stop stealing my soul"

"This fresh air is NICE"


"You can't see me"

Being outside is tough work
 The pups have really taken to their kibble.  Ranger prefers his a little more on the crunchy side.  Sin is no longer lying down to feed the pups.  She prefers that they get their meals on the go.  No one seems to really mind this new arrangement.
Dinner Time
 Sin wants her pups to be well rounded-maybe one or more of them will compete in MVA one day.  To make well rounded pups, this weeks lesson is herding.





Herding lessons is so very tiring



So Tired

Maybe tomorrow I can try again
Thanks for stopping by and checking on us.  This upcoming week is going to get a lot more exciting!

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