Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just a midweek update on the Hangtime gang...they're still growing like crazy.  Some of them are missing fewer meals than some of the others, as you can tell by the amount of weight they gain everyday! It's getting more difficult for Sin to stealthily hang out in the puppy room without somebody noticing her and screaming for a snack.
I spy with my beady eye...MOM!!!

Mom??  Did somebody say Mom?  Where? Where?  Aww, come'on...I'm hungry!

We're getting more bouts of wrestlemania now that every body has opened their eyes.  Although they are still sleeping quite a bit...

I wuv my brover!
Sometimes in piles...
Shhh...we're sleeping

Every color in the Aussie rainbow

And sometimes alone (sort of)...
Wrangler napping

I'm gonna have a stiff neck when I wake up.

Milk coma

But always close to mom...

Mom's leg makes for a comfy pillow, plus,
I'm close to my dinner when I wake up!

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